1.  Bibliogrpahy

2. 비교


 Centrifugal pump

Positive displacement pump 


  • Impeller가 liquid를 "push" 하여 suction --> discharge port로 ΔP 를 생성함
  • 일정양의 액체를 suction --> discharge로 이송함



  • suction보다 discharge 의 압력이 항상 크게 됨.
  • PDP는 discharge의 압력이 후단 Pipe 조건 및 ΔP에 의해 결정되므로, 특수한 경우에는 Suction의 압력이 더 높게 될 경우도 발생함.


  •  P에 따라 F 변함
  •  F가 P에 관계없이 일정함 


  •  점도 상승에 따라 F가 급격히 줄어듦
  •  점도 증가에 따라 F가 증가(?)


  •  Compact
  •  Complex


  •  Clean liquids
  •  Low viscosity fluids
  •  High flow rate
  •  High viscosity fluids
  •  Relatively low flow rate


  •  Progressing cavity pumps
  •  Vane pumps
  •  Screw pumps
  •  Peristaltic pumps
  •  Gear pumps
  •  Lobe pumps
  •  Diaphragm pump
  •  Piston pump 

3. Centrifugal Pump Operation Summary

There are three indications that a centrifugal pump is cavitating.

- Noise

- Fluctuating discharge pressure and flow

- Fluctuating pump motor current

 Steps that can be taken to stop pump cavitation include:

- Increase the pressure at the suction of the pump.

- Reduce the temperature of the liquid being pumped.

- Reduce head losses in the pump suction piping.

- Reduce the flow rate through the pump.

- Reduce the speed of the pump impeller.

 Three effects of pump cavitation are:

- Degraded pump performance

- Excessive pump vibration

- Damage to pump impeller, bearings, wearing rings, and seals

 To avoid pump cavitation, the net positive suction head available must be greater than the net positive suction head required.

 Net positive suction head available is the difference between the pump suction pressure and the saturation pressure for the liquid being pumped.

 Cavitation is the process of the formation and subsequent collapse of vapor bubbles in a pump.

 Gas binding of a centrifugal pump is a condition where the pump casing is filled with gases or vapors to the point where the impeller is no longer able to contact enough fluid to function correctly.

 Shutoff head is the maximum head that can be developed by a centrifugal pump operating at a set speed.

 Pump runout is the maximum flow that can be developed by a centrifugal pump without damaging the pump.

 The greater the head against which a centrifugal pump operates, the lower the flow rate through the pump. The relationship between pump flow rate and head is illustrated by the characteristic curve for the pump.

 Centrifugal pumps are protected from dead-heading by providing a recirculation from the pump discharge back to the supply source of the pump.

 Centrifugal pumps are protected from runout by placing an orifice or throttle valve immediately downstream of the pump discharge and through proper piping system design.

4. Positive Displacement Pumps Summary

 The flow delivered by a centrifugal pump during one revolution of the impeller depends upon the head against which the pump is operating. The positive displacement pump delivers a definite volume of fluid for each cycle of pump operation regardless of the head against which the pump is operating.

 Positive displacement pumps may be classified in the following ways:

- Reciprocating piston pump

- Gear-type rotary pump

- Lobe-type rotary pump

- Screw-type rotary pump

- Moving vane pump

- Diaphragm pump

 As the viscosity of a liquid increases, the maximum speed at which a reciprocating positive displacement pump can properly operate decreases. Therefore, as viscosity increases, the maximum flow rate through the pump decreases.

 The characteristic curve for a positive displacement pump operating at a certain speed is a vertical line on a graph of head versus flow.

 Slippage is the rate at which liquid leaks from the discharge of the pump back to the pump suction.

 Positive displacement pumps are protected from overpressurization by a relief valve on the upstream side of the pump discharge valve.

Posted by 원도르

활동도 계수란, 이상용액과 실제용액의 차이를 보정해주기 위한 계수.

어떤 성분의 활동도는 몰분율과 상관관계를 가짐. 이 관계를 규정한 것이 활동도 계수임. 

활동도 계수 = 1이라면, 활동도 = 몰분율 (이상용액)

이상용액에서는 한성분의 활동도는 그 성분의 절대량이 얼마나 많은가와만 관계있음.

하지만 실제 용액에서는 성분 분자간 힘이 다르기 때문에, 

A-A의 힘 > A-B의 힘

활동도 > 몰분율

이 차이를 보정하는 것이 활동도 계수임.

비슷한 개념으로,

이상기체와 실제 혼합기체의 증기압이 다른 이유를 보정하는 것은 퓨가시티(Fugacity).

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Posted by 원도르

한국석유공사 석유정보센터(QRIC)


손익분기점 유가(Breakeven Price): 석유를 캐기위해 들어간 총비용(탐사,개발,생산 비용, 자본투자비, 운용비, 세금 등)을 모두 상쇄하기 위하여, 총 석유 생산기간 동안 석유를 연 얼마에 팔아야 하는지 그가격을 말함.


생산원가(Production Cost):





Posted by 원도르